🫒 Our EVO Oil loved all over the world Buy now

La nostra Famiglia è innamorata della nostra Terra, la Puglia, dei suoi colori e della sua luce, dei suoi sapori e dei suoi profumi, della sua storia.

Our products, branded Sant'Oro , are of certified quality and with total traceability,
from olives to the consumer's table.
In addition to having our own brand, we are resellers of excellent Made in Italy brands, such as Carvinea, Pietrasanta, Scarafile, Pasta D'Alba, In Masseria, Salumificio Santoro, i Contadini, Cantina Tre Pini.
All our Extra Virgin Olive Oils are produced from our organic olive groves, in addition to the many certificates obtained and awards won, in 2019 we were selected for the guide
Slow Food in the " guide to extra virgin ".
In addition to Extra Virgin Olive Oil, you can also find typical Apulian products , such as:
artisanal taralli, sauces and condiments, creams and pesto, but also products based on Apulian almonds and liqueurs, craft beers and wine!
You can also find original and quality gift ideas , such as Apulian ceramics and wedding favors, all handmade by Apulian artisans , or products based on Extra Virgin Olive Oil, such as soaps and cosmetics, food supplements and Nardo oil.
Con il marchio "Sant’Oro" il frantoio oleario propone solo Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva di qualità certificata e con una tracciabilità totale, dalle olive alla tavola del consumatore.